Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Curious Water Tower...

We are putting off talking about beer, wine and spirits for one night to discuss a topic that many have asked about.... the curious water tower on the hanky from our invitations. I am from Minnesota, Mike is from Wisconsin, and we met in Brooklyn. The outlines of MN and WI seemed like an easy fit, but easily identifying Brooklyn is a bit trickier.  A common site in Brooklyn is a wooden water tower on the tops of buildings, about as common as an open fire hydrant in the summer in Brooklyn. We thought it to be a quint yet appropriate representation of where we met. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Parking or driving your stagecoach

Gomer Fritzberguson left the enchanted barn, August 11th, 1912.  He got pulled over to the side of road on his mule.  He took a terrible photo. 

We are using the story of Gomer as a lead in to the next blog post.  Cars, shuttle, and booze.

There will be a shuttle picking up those staying at the Turtle Lake Casino at 2:30/2:45 the day of the wedding.  That shuttle will be making two trips back to the Turtle Lake Casino the evening of the wedding.  11:30 and 12:30.  For those of you planning on staying at Turtle Lake and or parking there, this is probably the safest and best option.

For family and friends staying elsewhere, please let us know if you also would like to use the shuttle and or a ride home.  And we will attempt to arrange.

Cars left at the barn should be picked up the following morning as early as possible, because there is going to be another couple tying the knot the next day.

Tomorrow's post, and much to the happiness of Gomer's legacy...beer, wine and spirits.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

First and foremost, apologies for the lack of updates to the wedding blog. Social media is not our forte. We do however throw a darn good party! So we have our priorities in order.

But, in an effort to join the modern world, and keep everyone up to date on the party in less then two weeks, we are going to attempt to make a blog post once a day for the next seven days.
Today's topic:  So those seeds we sent...
We have gotten reports back that some of those seeds may not have actually been dahlias.  Some grew in to hollyhocks...some into sunflowers...and we even got a few reports of jalapenos.  Just a tip, don't trust discountseedsexpressnextday.com.
If by the devine stroke of luck however you were able to plant your seeds and dahlias did grow, kudos to you, your green thumb is to be admired.  We would love for you to share them with all.
We will have some mason jars set out to show off your prize winners.  Also, any pink or yellow flower is welcome. 
Tomorrow...the all important shuttle bus.